Well, we have heard that the two-year-old Flat season may begin on the 15th of May. I think that's the date, struggling to find the article I read it.
Time will tell.
If/when it starts we will be on a learning curve. What will it be like? I think there will be three racecourses: two all-weather and Newmarket on the turf. No doubt the latter is to keep the people with vast sums of money happy. It makes sense being the headquarters of racing and plenty of horses in training.
To be honest, we will all be happy to see racing resume after being sidelined since the Cheltenham Festival.
It is difficult to know what to expect.
It seems like there will be nine races per meeting. A field of no more than 11 or 12 runners.
Will the season start as if it is the start? I'm not sure. I keep thinking, will the Brocklesby be the first race of the season? Probably not, but in my little mind, I'm thinking and hoping it will be.
I guess we all get into the routine of the Flat turf season following a set pattern. We will see the Guineas (1,000 & 2,000) scheduled for a different date along with other big races. I think we all appreciate that the racing is about saving the racing industry which is paramount. I could go a whole year without a bet if it secured the industry and people keep their jobs, the horses are looked after and their welfare not put in jeopardy. I am thankful for the owners who have supported trainers with the finances they need to keep the wolf from the door. It is truly a generous act and I hope this point isn't forgotten. When you consider even a lot of money people are considering a precarious future it takes something to keep putting your hand in your pocket.
So what are we to expect this turf season?
No one really knows, hey? It may seem remarkably normal (apart from the silent crowd) or it may seem alien and far from the norm.
Pretty much like life at this moment.
I will drink a toast to the new season and thank God for all who have made it happen and those who continue to support the greatest racing in the world. Punters are an integral part of the racing machine and I am sure they will be as positive as ever.
Time will tell how this affects the plans we have for Group Horse. It is unknown and we can only deal with the situation at hand.
I am forever positive about life and opportunities.
The winners will continue and I, personally, will be cheering twice as loud for the season and all who make it happen.