Friday, 2 December 2022

The Secrets to Making Your Horse Racing Betting Pay

This post will detail the main pointer how to make your horse racing betting pay. This is based on over thirty years experience within the niche of two-year-old horse racing. 

Without question, having a niche is one of the most important decisions you can ever make and reason why betting is all about working to your strengths with a method that gives reference and measurement. It's the same reason you may wish to consider online casino australia for real money. Keep the odds on your side.  

Now you may think I ''like to follow the Flat, National Hunt and all the categories found within those codes''. 

It's impossible. 

You may ask why. 

Because you are spreading yourself too thin. Not only isn't there enough time to do everything it's pointless. Even if you had all the time in the world it would be pointless. The simple reason is that you don't need to know everything under the sun. 

The best gamblers know a little more than most. That's the key to your success. You find something you enjoy, a passion which sees you battle on through the bad days, to find your niche. You will see that your understanding sets you apart. You will hear punters talking about your niche and think ''You don't know what you are talking about!''

I don't say those words to gloat. It's an opinion you can have too. You simply smile with the fact that your understanding is better than most who believe what they are told or learning akin to racing cliches. Unless you have data, experience and those building blocks of intelligence you are at the mercy of the person who knows more. Remember, it's how you consider statistics and data to what makes a good bet and find the best online casino. Be informed when you bet.   

Do you want to be that person?

I can tell you this, even with knowing my niche to the extreme I am a wiser person for knowing there are people out there who may know more. As I said, I don't need to be the best gambler of two-year-old horse racing to make money. I'm not looking for an Olympic medal, a degree or even a pat on the back. 

I don't need anything beyond a few winners to come my way and put some money in my pocket. 

That comes from knowledge. 

Without that, you are lost. 

It is the same as waking up one morning and thinking you could win a sprint again a national runner, let alone someone world class. 

Even a very gifted person would look ridiculous. 

To be a successful gambler you need to know what it takes to be a successful gambler. This isn't something that most people are going to tell you. Why would they? However, isn't it funny how most very successful business people, sportsmen and women had a mentor who was very successful. 

They passed on that knowledge either because they were very well paid or because they were very generous.

The journey any gambler takes to understanding is a hard and often lonely path. It's like walking through an army of clowns to meet the ringmaster. No one gave you a map, because 99% percent of the population had no idea the map even existed. 

Do you know the easiest way to double your winnings?

To double your bet!

It sounds like a joke or someone trying to play the fool. However, it makes more sense to learn what you need to learn well than think somehow knowing more (double) is the answer to the question. 

You simply need to know what you are doing better and double your stake. 

Triple it and you can be thrice as intelligent to your average punter who looks at the last three races of form in the Racing Post. 

I love a punter who asks questions. 

Most don't say a word. 

If someone asks a question, they have an inquiring mind and that's what's needed to be a successful gambler. 

You need to have a novel thought which separates you from the populous who sadly never learned anything after placing their first bet. I hate to be cutting, but why would you think you know all you need to learn before learning anything. 

It must be the definition of either naivety or stupidity. 

Perhaps it is good old laziness. 

I don't say these words to be nasty or trying to put anyone down. Far from it. Why would I bother to even write this post or help forward information if I didn't want better for others. 

I'd love you to beat those bookmakers. To place a bet and think to yourself ''I just took that bookmaker for a fool''. 

The fact of the matter is that you can know more about your niche than almost anyone.

But you need to make a start with your understanding, method and process of working. 

Without the answer to a question, you cannot find the answer. You don't even know the question because you haven't stopped for five minutes to consider what's going through your mind. 

The buzz of the bet, winning without thought, has seen you fall at the first hurdle. 

You'd do yourself a favour if you didn't bet for a year and questioned what you are doing. To think what you enjoy. 

What's your passion within racing? 

What excites and interest you? 

If it starts and stops at money you'll do very well to see any. Because you need to have a real interest and passion in your niche. 

In truth, I could talk about this subject unendingly. 

This is just the starting point. 

But the greatest insight I could ever give any budding gambler is to stick to what they enjoy and what they know. 

If you spread yourself too thinly with this, that and the other you may, or not, see, one day, that you have been chasing your tail. 

People are always there to prove you wrong. I like that. If you are someone who makes your gambling pay by betting on many and varied aspects of horse racing, or gambling in general, then good luck to you. 

However, I would suggest that with a specific niche you would be so much better. 

It is disappointing how many punters simply bet without questioning themselves. Stop for a moment and assess your betting and thinking. 

If you are losing money then, sadly, you are not following these simple rules. Even with finding your niche it is hard work. 

Every winner is giving you the answer to the question you so truthfully need and every loser is saying: ''Take a look at what happened here because you made a mistake!''

With insight the world looks a different place. 

It's the same when you gamble. 

Knowledge is power. 

Photo: Pixabay (free)