Monday, 15 March 2021

Cheltenham Festival 2021: Gold Cup

Are you ready for the Cheltenham Festival Gold Cup? 

What do you fancy?

I've got a short-list of one horse. 

It's a secret! 

Anyway, what's all this about, Betway asking West Ham Football players and Richard Hoiles to take part in a game show?

Not heard about it? 

Then you really need to watch the video, below, because it's one of the funniest promotions I've ever seen. In fact, it is hilarious. It's like a head-on crash between footaball and horse racing. The Betway Bumper is a fun-packed three minutes of joy where Jesse Lingard and three teammates compete in a battle of everything equine. 

What's happens next will surprise you. 

You'll laugh. Lots. 

Perhaps there's just too much information!
