Friday, 21 September 2018

Friday's 2YO Update

I'm travelling home today so I won't have time to update much here. Sorry for the lack of depth. 

Times for 2yo races: (N) Nursery (L) Listed

1:10 Newbury 
1:30 Ayr 
1:45 Newbury 
2:00 Ayr 
2:30 Ayr (N) 
2:50 Newbury (N) 
3:05 Ayr (L) 
3:25 Newbury 
4:30 Newbury 
6:50 Newcastle
8:20 Newcastle (N)

I don't check nursery races. 

4:30 Newbury - Interested to see Fashion's Star as looks to be one of Roger Charlton's best two-year-olds.