Friday, 14 February 2020

Grumpy Old Man at the Races

Firstly, that isn't a photo of me (however moody). 

I asked someone if I was turning into a grumpy old man.

They replied: ''No''

You don't need the transformation you got there a couple of years back. 

For all those who know me better than not, they would describe me as a good, decent, generous and non-grumpy part of the populous that is planet Earth. 

If you think I have been quiet, then you are right and wrong. I've not been saying too much on this platform but behind the scenes, I have been working like a crazy man to find those secrets to winning - when it comes to everything two-year-old horse racing. I've been looking at horse trainer statistics. The thing about working within the realm of numbers, data, facts, and figures is that the process is as boring as watching paint dry. To be honest, I think watching paint dry is more pleasurable. 

The good part of quantitative data is that when the said trainer is completed it is sometimes a ''revelation''. This term may be good, bad or ugly. But all understanding brings greater knowledge. As I like to say: ''Knowledge is power''. 

It's most certainly that. 

The problems with revealing this data to you as a reader isn't straightforward. Well, it is very straightforward in ways because I cannot tell you. Or, if I do, it would be in such a limited form that you would think you were on a slow boat to China. 

This data has taken me several months to complete (it's still not finished). It has been an equal measure of insight and annoyance. I wish it had been a simple task but when is anything worth its weight in gold a passing fancy?

If data is given out to a large audience, and they share this insight, it is worthless within no time at all. As you can imagine, I haven't spent hundreds of hours of work to just let it slip through my fingers for free. 

You may be saying: ''Oh, so he's trying to sell something?''

The information isn't for sale for the same reason as above. Because someone would simply take advantage and sell it. 

I would hate to put a price on the work I have done as it would be thousands of pounds in time. In fact, there is one person who will be given the information for free. That is my brother, Tony. At times, I have felt a bit grumpy when detailing the facts about so and so trainer and he says: ''Ok''. 

I think that ''Ok'' took three days' work. 

But that's life. 

Frustrations come and go. They don't last long. Time passes by whatever we do. So it pays to be productive. Because you have something of worth. No one is going to give that away for free unless you have been exceptional in return. Even being a generous person - it would be foolish to give everything away.

I endeavour to find ways of keeping readers - and especially those subscribers on the mailing list - happy and informed. 

The 10 Dark Horses do just that but I always want to give more but not to a point that I am working on all this information and giving it away for free. I wouldn't expect everything for free from you and I don't expect that mentality for me. That's purely someone taking me for a fool. I'm no one's fool. I don't need anyone to make my life what it is today. So we have to find a balance based on mutual respect.  

It's the same with access to the Group Horses 2020. 

I've seen a few people unsubscribe. I imagine they have read about not being given full access to the page and got in a huff. I think too many people get used to having quality information for free. 

Do I care if a few people unsubscribe? 

In ways, it is a touch frustrating. But I take those people as being very far away from who I am. They are not the people I want on my list so I am pleased they have gone. 

I don't owe people anything. Everything I do comes at a cost to me. Would you work an hour for me in exchange for an hour I work for you? 

However, I do intend to give more information on the mailing list this season, which will be a pleasant surprise and the information will be exceptional. I don't ever set the bar low for myself or others. So you will be very pleased you stuck around on the mailing list. 

Every time I see a new subscriber I say to myself thank you and their name. 

When people go...I just think I am not for you and you are not for me. 

The amount of work I have put into this new forthcoming Flat turf season is beyond anything I have done before. It answers many questions and brings even more confidence. This will bring you confidence and the opportunity to make your betting pay. It may come in dribs and drabs but that isn't getting second best. It is just the reality of the world we live in. If you go the extra mile for me (as some of you do) you will be rewarded like a King. 

But everything we do is about give and take. 

I have some amazing plans and opportunities for all readers and subscribers. Some of these things may even have a price on their head. But I can tell you this. Everything I do will give you value and make you money. And I am happy to put a guarantee on that. When we say something, given information, whether a horse's name or a wealth of information is it based on the foundation of trust, integrity and winning money. 

Thanks for your support.