Pro Tips

You'll receive a limited number of Pro Tips so keep your eyes open for these prized mailings. They will be few and far between but exceptional. 

How many mailings? (7)


Example -

I'll be honest with you, I'm not keen on tipping horses because it really is a thankless task and one I have no intention of making a business. In addition, it is very difficult to give tips many hours in advance of the race.

Make no mistake, I bet on two-year-old horse racing as it is one of a number of ways I make money out of my horse racing passion. 

Even saying all of this, I will be detailing a select number of Pro Tips for the season ahead. 

These selections will be exceptionally well researched and the analysis informed. These individuals are often proven to be the best in the stable, although it's worth appreciating the best horses don't always make the best bets. 

In truth, these Pro Tips are given to help you understand and little more about my working method. 

There will be lots to look forward to. 

I'm ready, money in hand.